Presentation Assets

This topic covers the following features:

Dynamic Text

Dynamic text can be built in Illustrate and saved to the CMS as a sharable asset. You can also build dynamic ext on the fly in Present and Publish. The Dynamic Text wizard allows you to inject a combination of static and dynamic text into your presentation or publication at runtime. You can build your dynamic text formulations from a variety or query, math, date, and formatting functions. Your formulations must be based on a given grid.

Dynamic Place Holders

Use dynamic place holders to build slicer-driven dynamic text in your presentations and publications.

Text Fields

Use dynamic text fields to add context to your presentation, by adding dates, description, table of contents and more.

Dynamic Jump Buttons

Configure dynamic jump buttons, in order to 'jump' from a presentation to a given URL, data discovery, or presentation slide.

Dynamic Web Panels

Use dynamic web panels to host 3rd party web content on your presentation slides.

Unlink Content

Unlink content added to presentations and publications, so that the original assets can be edited without altering your reports in Present and Publish.